Autor Wątek: Cycling along the coast in the north  (Przeczytany 8919 razy)

Offline Mężczyzna arctic-cycler

  • Wiadomości: 126
  • Miasto: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • Na forum od: 16.11.2012
Day 48. An overdose of tundra. All I want are 4 walls and a warm bed. It's all in the mind.

Offline Kobieta hindiana

  • Wiadomości: 4021
  • Miasto: Irlandzka wieś, królewskie hrabstwo
  • Na forum od: 04.09.2010
    • 87th Dublin Polish Scout Group, Scouting Ireland
Never thought I'd say so but I really like your nature descritpions (the worst part of our compulsory school books...)
This one is great:
It might be the weather. It is definitely the lack of concrete goal. But more than anything, it is the wild barren nature that is friendly in bright sunshine, and which looks menacing and strong when the clouds pull across, a chill comes into the sun, and a cold wind starts blowing.

"Only hate the road when you're missing home..."

Mądrzy ludzie czasem się wygłupiają, głupi zawsze wymądrzają.

Offline Mężczyzna arctic-cycler

  • Wiadomości: 126
  • Miasto: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • Na forum od: 16.11.2012
Never thought I'd say so but I really like your nature descritpions (the worst part of our compulsory school books...)
This one is great:
It might be the weather. It is definitely the lack of concrete goal. But more than anything, it is the wild barren nature that is friendly in bright sunshine, and which looks menacing and strong when the clouds pull across, a chill comes into the sun, and a cold wind starts blowing.

"Only hate the road when you're missing home..."

It's all in the weather. It's amazing weather now and I'm really happy.
I'll check out the YouTube clip when I have wifi. Greetings from Vardø

Offline Mężczyzna arctic-cycler

  • Wiadomości: 126
  • Miasto: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • Na forum od: 16.11.2012
Day 49. Cycle, boat and cycle - to the end of the earth. And it is beautiful here!

Offline Mężczyzna arctic-cycler

  • Wiadomości: 126
  • Miasto: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • Na forum od: 16.11.2012
Day 50. Beautiful hike in the sun. My own private valley. My own private fjord. Sun in my heart. The smell of cloudberries on my fingers.

Offline Mężczyzna arctic-cycler

  • Wiadomości: 126
  • Miasto: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • Na forum od: 16.11.2012
Day 51. I could have been cycling in Australia. Desolate plains - the mid north in South Australia. Then with trees - somewhere in New South Wales.
What was a sunny and warm day became exciting as the black clouds drew in.

Offline Mężczyzna arctic-cycler

  • Wiadomości: 126
  • Miasto: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • Na forum od: 16.11.2012
Day 52. A cloudy, slow day, ending at the most northern point in the EU. Hello Finland!

Offline Mężczyzna arctic-cycler

  • Wiadomości: 126
  • Miasto: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • Na forum od: 16.11.2012
Day 53. Today was wet, and warm. Grey and uninspiring until the weather really got erratic. On the back road to Bugøynes, I had a downpour and a beautiful rainbow.

Offline Mężczyzna arctic-cycler

  • Wiadomości: 126
  • Miasto: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • Na forum od: 16.11.2012
Day 54. Vast open spaces. Sun. Heat. Flying salmon. Cheap groceries. Military zone.  A lovely day's cycling.

Offline Mężczyzna arctic-cycler

  • Wiadomości: 126
  • Miasto: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • Na forum od: 16.11.2012
Day 55. Up and down under the warm sun through wooded steep terrain to a beach at the edge of Europe.

Offline Mężczyzna arctic-cycler

  • Wiadomości: 126
  • Miasto: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • Na forum od: 16.11.2012
Day 56. My bike trip started with heat, and now, in the Arctic, it is ending with heat. Cycling and swimming in the bright sun, exploring the Russian border. Cycling along Pasvikdaken.

Offline Mężczyzna arctic-cycler

  • Wiadomości: 126
  • Miasto: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • Na forum od: 16.11.2012
Day 57. Today was my last day cycling. A small stint in the sun to Kirkenes - where they are partying in the warm sun. It's the city festival - to say goodbye to a tired and contented cycler.

Offline Mężczyzna arctic-cycler

  • Wiadomości: 126
  • Miasto: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • Na forum od: 16.11.2012
Day 58. I cried. Cycling leaving Kirkenes. It's over. And the next adventure is in the planning.
Greeted at the airport by my wonderful friends. Welcome home to real summer. It's hot here. Now night has fallen, and it's dark!

Offline Kobieta hindiana

  • Wiadomości: 4021
  • Miasto: Irlandzka wieś, królewskie hrabstwo
  • Na forum od: 04.09.2010
    • 87th Dublin Polish Scout Group, Scouting Ireland
Well done, Matthew. No doubt you had an amazing time.
Mądrzy ludzie czasem się wygłupiają, głupi zawsze wymądrzają.

Offline Mężczyzna Iwo

  • leniwy południowiec
  • Wiadomości: 3388
  • Miasto: Kraków
  • Na forum od: 20.09.2010
Great route! When I cycled in the northern coast, I thought it must be nice to see what's to the end of each road which goes north. Unfortunately, time didn't allow to check... But seems it's worth of effort.





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