Autor Wątek: Cycling along the coast in the north  (Przeczytany 9793 razy)

Offline Mężczyzna arctic-cycler

  • Wiadomości: 126
  • Miasto: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • Na forum od: 16.11.2012
Day 33. Silence in the forest. Silence at the lake. Just the wind. Beautiful.

Offline Mężczyzna arctic-cycler

  • Wiadomości: 126
  • Miasto: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • Na forum od: 16.11.2012
Day 34. I passed the 4000km mark and crossed the Arctic Circle. All that cycling on magic forest roads and passing the finest lakes. Perfect weather. Perfect day.

Offline Mężczyzna arctic-cycler

  • Wiadomości: 126
  • Miasto: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • Na forum od: 16.11.2012
Day 35. Long and straight through the eternal forests. Today I'm switching to night cycling - under the midnight sun.

Offline Mężczyzna arctic-cycler

  • Wiadomości: 126
  • Miasto: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • Na forum od: 16.11.2012
Day 36. Night cycling in the Arctic. Beautiful, but, my goodness, these mosquitos are bad.

Offline Mężczyzna arctic-cycler

  • Wiadomości: 126
  • Miasto: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • Na forum od: 16.11.2012
Day 37. Cloud watching over the spectacular Finnish arctic landscape. The North Cape campervan pilgrim traffic is increasing. Time for night cycling.

Offline Giovanni

  • Wiadomości: 2685
  • Miasto: Gdynia
  • Na forum od: 06.06.2008
    • bikestats
So Nordcape in 4 days? I,ve got it right? :)

"Za dobrych czasów liczyłem wakacje według ilości ognisk, liczyłem wakacje według ilości nocy przespanych pod namiotem."

Offline Mężczyzna arctic-cycler

  • Wiadomości: 126
  • Miasto: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • Na forum od: 16.11.2012
So Nordcape in 4 days? I,ve got it right? :)
Well, I could be the in 2 days. I'm now in Alta. I think I might go and look at the Alta canyon tomorrow.  I'll think about it tonight. :-)

Offline Mężczyzna arctic-cycler

  • Wiadomości: 126
  • Miasto: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • Na forum od: 16.11.2012
Day 38. Amazing night cycling alone in the beautiful expanse of the Finnmarksvidda. Then dropping down and down a spectacular canyon into Alta.

Offline Mężczyzna arctic-cycler

  • Wiadomości: 126
  • Miasto: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • Na forum od: 16.11.2012
Day 39 was meant to be a rest day. None of that. Instead a spectacular road through the tundra. One of my favourite roads to date.

Offline Mężczyzna arctic-cycler

  • Wiadomości: 126
  • Miasto: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • Na forum od: 16.11.2012
Day 40 was bleek and cold as I climbed up and over the Alta plateau. Tomorrow night cycling.

Offline Mężczyzna arctic-cycler

  • Wiadomości: 126
  • Miasto: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • Na forum od: 16.11.2012
I've made it to the North Cape.  5057km and 41 days from Eindhoven,  the Netherlands. I was interviewed on norwegian tv. Watch it live at 21:30 tonight.  NRK1-direkt

Offline Mężczyzna Borafu

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Offline Mężczyzna paweł.70

  • Marin
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  • Na forum od: 28.11.2011
Hey Mattew congratulations!
Could you tell me what are your plans now, where are you going to ride next and what is your destination place.

Dom jest tam, gdzie rozkładamy obóz
Liczy się podróż, a nie cel.

Offline Mężczyzna arctic-cycler

  • Wiadomości: 126
  • Miasto: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • Na forum od: 16.11.2012

Thanks. :-) I'm pretty happy.  :-)

Offline Mężczyzna arctic-cycler

  • Wiadomości: 126
  • Miasto: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • Na forum od: 16.11.2012
Hey Mattew congratulations!
Could you tell me what are your plans now, where are you going to ride next and what is your destination place.

Hi there.
I will spend another day on Magerøya Island before catching the boat to Havøysund. Then cycling down there.i then have plans to see the Svaerholt, Nordkyn and Varanger peninsulas.

Have you been there before?





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